Rich Dad Poor Dad Book summary chapter#1

Insights from Introduction and Chapter 1 Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert T keyosaki #1 Robert Kiyosaki considers that he had two dads: a poor dad, who was his real father, and a rich dad, his friend’s father. They had very different mindsets when it came to dealing with money, and Kiyosaki compared them to figure out which strategy was best for getting rich. #2 Poor and middle-class people work hard to make money. Rich people, however, make money work for them. Working.ha rd rarely makes someone rich; working smart does. #3 When Kiyosaki was a kid, he went to school with rich people, but was never invited to their homes or on vacations because he was poor. His friend Mike and he decided they wanted to learn how to make money, so they asked Mike’s father, “rich dad,” to teach them. #4 Rich dad suggested that they work for him three hours a week for 10 cents an hour. He offered them a prompt opportunity and taught them to take it, because opportunities are few and it’s always bes...